“The Boondocks” Set To Make A Return Exclusively to HBO Max

“The Boondocks” Set To Make A Return Exclusively to HBO Max,https://ift.tt/2Ig3QC2,

“The Boondocks” Set To Make A Return Exclusively to HBO Max

Highly anticipated animation series “The Boondocks” will be coming back to our television screens in the fall of 2020 on HBO Max. WarnerMedia’s upcoming streaming platform has ordered two seasons of the acclaimed series for a total of 24 new episodes.

All 55 episodes from the show’s original television run on Adult Swim will also be available on HBO Max, which is scheduled to launch in spring 2020.

The new series will follow the adventure of Robert “Granddad” Freeman and his two grandsons Huey and Riley after recently moving to a suburban community in Maryland. Then they realize it’s been overtaking by Uncle Ruckus and his bizarre neo-fascist regime.

“The Boondocks was a revolutionary series that sparked conversations on hot button issues and brought dark subjects into the light with episodes like ‘The Trial of Robert Kelly’, ‘The Fundraiser’ and ‘The Story of Gangstalicious,’” HBO Max’s chief content officer Kevin Reilly said in a press release. “Aaron [McGruder] is a gifted visionary whose unique style of storytelling is a welcome voice and we are elated The Freemans are making their thugnificent comeback on HBO Max.”

The comeback is guaranteed to be more exciting as the original creator of the TV series Aaron McGruder has returned for the new installation haven being absent in the show’s fourth season, which aired in 2014.

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, via ThePurpleSnakeEra