DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH: DACE – “Roll The Dice” https://ift.tt/3qRTSdA,

In this new entry in our ‘Diamonds In The Rough’ category, we want to introduce you to upcoming artist DACE and his brand new single titled “Roll The Dice”.

DACE explains the record as:

“Everybody knows the saying to “roll the dice”, which basically means to take a shot in the game of chances. It’s about believing in yourself, even in a situation where the odds might be against you. From my perspective, there wasn’t a phrase that could have been more fitting for myself. I’ve been beating the odds ever since I was born. Growing up as a black kid in a white country, going to a good school and studying, even though a lot of black children are denied access to greater education. These are just the bigger examples of my life where I rolled the dice on myself and believed that I could do it. And yet the biggest chance I’ve taken on myself was when I left behind everything I’ve done so far in my life and started making music full-time. I had no experience in songwriting or producing and still believed I could do it. That is what this song is all about! Rolling the dice on yourself and believing that nothing is impossible.”

Listen below:

The post DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH: DACE – “Roll The Dice” appeared first on Fresh: Hip-Hop & R&B.

March 15, 2021 at 05:20AM via ThePurpleSnakeEra