Why Gohan Is Now SSG & Ultra Instinct Hybrid Thus Creating His Own God Form

 Why Gohan Is Now SSG & Ultra Instinct Hybrid Thus Creating His Own God Form

Mystic Gohan was forged in the Buu saga. The elder Kai showed Gohan how to embrace the everlasting peace with in him. Which happened to be where his human essence thrives. 

Unbeknownst to the viewer at the time Gohan had tapped into 0.01% of Ultra Instinct and had been using it for years. 

In DRAGON BALL SUPER: SUPER HERO he transformed into what fans are calling ‘Gohan Beast’ when in fact it’s more than that! This version of Gohan is a cultivation of Super Saiyan Essence & Ultra Instinct groomed from Elder Kai it self and honed by the likes of the incredible Gohan. The power of the Hybrid is simple really… SUPER SAIYAN GOD & ULTRA INSTINCT COMBINED.

Although Gohan has never turned into SSG he has already surpassed that lvl and can tap into his Saiyan essence now at will, with the help of Elder Kai’s Potential Unleashed. Thus creating his own form of god power.

Ultra Instinct Mystic Unlocked