In theaters July 21, Barbie follows Robbie's central titular character as she experiences an existential crisis, and thus embarks on a trip from Barbie Land to the real world for answers about all the strange things that have been happening in her life. The most alarming of all? Her feet are no longer arched, much to the terror of her fellow Barbies.
E!NEWS; Says Greta Gerwig refused to use CGI to make Barbie actors' feet more arched
- By the purple snake
- On July 12, 2023
The Purple Snake Era is more than a brand of clothing, it is a lifestyle as well as an attitude towards life. Purple Snake means living life to the fullest, taking every opportunity that you are faced with, and generally enjoying life for what it is. This passionate way of thinking and living has inspired a lifestyle clothing line meant to be worn by those who do what they love. We gain inspiration from our own lives, which we use to develop fresh-looking apparel.